narniacmr wrote in fated_muse Jan 27, 2013 17:11
tv show: once upon a time, tv show: the vampire diaries, movie: star trek, ! requests, graphics: icons, tv show: downton abbey
narniacmr wrote in fated_muse May 11, 2012 12:04
movie: the hobbit, movie: dawn treader, tv show: game of thrones, tv show: bones, movie: star wars, tv show: sherlock, tv show: downton abbey, movie: hunger games, tv show: doctor who, tv show: merlin, tv show: legend of the seeker, ! requests, movie: lion the witch and the wardrobe, movie: pirates of the caribbean, tv show: the vampire diaries, graphics: icons, movie: lord of the rings, movie: harry potter
narniacmr wrote in fated_muse Mar 19, 2012 13:21
graphics: icons, tv show: downton abbey, challenges: 20in20
narniacmr wrote in fated_muse Jan 04, 2012 01:29
movie: x-men first class, movie: sucker punch, movie: tangled, tv show: game of thrones, movie: jane eyre, graphics: icons, movie: lord of the rings, movie: star wars, tv show: downton abbey, challenges: lims, tv show: doctor who